Sunday, July 8, 2012

Marine Corps Marathon Training - Here we go!!!

Well, I survived the Rebel Race with no injures.  Just sore muscles and a few bruises!!  So now, I have no excuse but to set the early morning alarm and get out early to run.  The heat has been unbearable here, but there is a break in the heat in sight (or so I hope and pray)!!  

Let the countdown begin - just shy of 4 months to go and a whole lot of work to get there!!  A lot of self doubt and worry, but with great friends going into this with me, I'm looking forward to it!  

So here's to good running, happy miles, and no injuries along the way!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Rebel Race 2012

Well, I can finally say I did a "mud" race!  I definitely overcame a whole lot of not wanting to get dirty issues today.  The first obstacle was just running through a water/mud pit, but it got me wet, dirty, and over it!  LOL

Today was all about just having fun with friends.  In the 100+ degree heat, you really just didn't want to do anything more than that anyway!  Kind of scary when you show up and see people being taken out by ambulance!  A lot of heat exhaustion issues!

I was quite happy that I managed all the obstacles (minus 1).  Out of 22, that wasn't bad.  The 1 I wouldn't do was a repeat of one I had just fallen down from that was much higher.  I had already whacked my knee, so I decided not to break anything and skip it!  I really need to work on that upper body strength!! 

Most disgusting obstacle - the pond......blech!  Never wanted to throw up over a stinky pond before LOL  But it was horrible!!  I'd go through the super deep mud pit again over that pond!!  The photographer got some good pictures of us going through the mud pit.  We were laughing hysterically the whole time!

Take a look at that gross pond!  The smell was 100 times worse!!
Over/Under obstacle!  Pure MUD!!
So a really fun day in extreme temperatures, we made it all the way through, and had a lot of mud to show for it!  The only real complaint I have is that the generator to the water truck broke, or the truck ran out of water and standing around for another hour in direct sunlight waiting to get hosed off wasn't an option!  So we used whatever water we had left and baby wipes to get as cleaned up as we could to head home :)

Rebel Race conquered!!

