Saturday, August 11, 2012

Women's Distance Festival 5K

Well, I will say this was a great race in terms of organization and support.  But not so much a great race for me, personally.

My head was NOT in this race this year.  I'm in the midst of MCM training; its been a hot and humid Summer, and I did not wake up feeling great!  Honestly, I wanted to shut off the alarm and roll back over in bed, but when friends are expecting me to show up..... I show up!!

I met up with all the RMR ladies for the obligatory pre-race picture !!   This is why I got out of bed!  Good friends to suffer  run with!
Run, Mama, Run ladies! 

After the pic, we moved up to the Start line.  Still not feeling this race.....but we're off, and then my music wouldn't start.  Ummmm, I feel like hell, it's hot and humid, I NEED motivation!  While I made my way through the bottleneck of runners in the first 1/2 mile, I managed to get my music working and find my pace.  It wasn't great, it wasn't horrible!  Then Mile 2 - the great side stitch that would stay with me for almost a mile!  Then Mile 3 - "oh thank God this is almost over"!!   As I sprinted into the finish, I felt as if I was going to die, throw up, pass out, etc.  And my thought was ..... oh, I get to go run 15 miles tomorrow .....this sucks!
Me (far left - see, armband in hand - had to stop fixing music for photographer LOL)

Well, I don't look tooooo miserable yet!
So again, my head was NOT in the game here!!

The organizers and volunteers did a fantastic job, and I'm sorry my mood couldn't go along with the great race they put together!  Next year, I don't plan on any marathons, so maybe I can go back to enjoying 5K's again :)